<synt/sen> 'saint' + <Kolom> personal name + <goles> 'lower'
Historic forms:
Chapel of Sancta Columba Minor 1284 {from Oliver}
Columbe minor 1284
S. Columbe minor 1314
S. Columbe Parve 1342
Seynt Columbe 1346
S. Columbe minor 1355
S. Columbe minor 1370
S. Columbe minor 1449
St Columb the less 1473
S. Columb the Nether 1528
Colombe the Nether 1549
Saynt Columb the Lower 1549
St Colom the lower 1560
S. Columbe the Lower 1580
Columbe parva 1584
St Colomb Loer c.1586
Lower S. Cullome 1634
St Cullum Minor 1666
Colom 1742
Colomba 1846